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The BREATHE Center supports many activities that complement and enhance the overall scientific and community impact goals of the Center. For example, the Center has fostered the career development of the next generation of investigators in environmental health sciences and health disparities.
A model law to help improve indoor air quality in public buildings, hoping to promote both individual and communal health.
Email your lawmaker to support the Family Asthma Act using the American Lung Association template.
Email Congress to protect lung health program funding from being cut, halted, or frozen using the American Lung Association template.
Congratulation to Dr. Tschudy, who was awarded $1000 through the AIM Contest for her proposal entitled: “Leveraging the Health Information Exchange (CRISP) to Share the Asthma Action Plan Across Hospital-based, Ambulatory and School-based Healthcare Providers.”
This award creates opportunities to invest in preventative healthcare and has the potential to improve the health of Marylanders and the healthcare systems in the state. Dr. Tschudy donated her award money to the Harriet Lane Clinic Reach Out and Read Book Fund.
Check out this video on the Johns Hopkins Medicine YouTube channel about our work in Baltimore.
Dr. Meghan Davis went on the Public Health On Call podcast to discuss foodborne illness, food safety systems in the USA, and why it seems that we're hearing about food recalls more frequently.
The American Lung Association is building on their Sate of the Air with a new report, Something in the Air. This report will explore emerging technologies that gives people even more insight into the air quality found in their communities.
In a guest commentary for the Baltimore Sun, Dr. Sadreameli comments on poor air quality's impact on children’s lungs.
Dr. Sadreameli joins the ALA's Lungcast to share tips on promoting lung health while transitioning back to a school environment.
"The National Academies is convening an expert committee to consider the state-of the-science on the health risks of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) indoors and engineering solutions and interventions to reduce risks of exposure to it indoors, including practical mitigation solutions to reduce exposure in residential settings." - Health Risks of Indoor Exposures to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Solutions, 2024
Download the PDF at the link below, or visit our Archives - Annual Reports page to view and download the PDF directly.
Dr. Meredith McCormack is attending the 2024 Social Determinants of Health Symposium: Pathways to Health Through Housing, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute. She'll be moderating the "Quality & Safety" interactive panel.
The symposium is being held on Friday, April 19, 2024 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum in Baltimore. Registration is currently full for in-person attendance, but we hope to provide a video of the panel soon.
Watch Dr. Meredith McCormack and other pulmonologists analyze the study report titled, "Health Risks of Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Solutions." They discuss the adverse health effects of particulate matter in the home on health and how to lessen those effects.
The public webinar can be viewed here.
The American Lung Association has released their "State of the Air" report for 2024. Search your state and ZIP code to see how your city measures up against others for High Ozone Days, Particle Pollution, and Groups at Risk. You can also view "Report Cards" on the cleanest cites or the most polluted cities in the country.
The American Lung Association has released their 2025 "State of Tobacco Control" to provide statistics on how tobacco use and secondhand smoke impact health, the ways in which tobacco prevention methods have been implemented and to what degree they've been proven effective, and how your state measures up against others for various tobacco-related variables.
The American Lung Association has released their "State of Lung Cancer" report for 2024. Use the link to discover the impact that lung cancer has on your state.
Allergy Capitals has released their 2024 Asthma and Allergy Report. In this edition, you can find information on how to improve your quality of life if you suffer from seasonal allergies, the annual state allergy ranking, and more.
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